We offer 2 types of classes - yoga mat and AntiGravity® classes. The descriptions below offer a guideline as to what to expect in class - feel free to email us should you have any further enquiries!
Our classes are held in both English & Cantonese unless otherwise specified.
Alignment Yoga
Alignment yoga are practiced through a variety of asanas in an efford to tone our muscles, calm our mind and strengthen our spirit. Alignment is about posture but is more than just doing a set routine of asanas (poses). Our alignment yoga is about precision of postures, muscle training and maximising the health benefits of alignment yoga and minimising the risk of injury. Precise instruction and demonstration are two of the key elements of our alignment classes. Focusing on precision of postures, our teachers put extra attention on which muscles are used and how they are used to ensure the accuracy of posture is performed. Props such as blocks, blankets and straps are also one of the tools used to help us do the asanas.
Vinyasa Yoga
Vinyasa - a dynamic moving type of yoga with a flowing linked sequence which align your body energy with a smooth breathing. Poses generally held a shorter period of time compare to the traditional “Hatha” yoga which help practitioner to focus on a fluidly movement experience to improve posture, mobility and strength.
Our stretching class incorporated elements of alignment yoga and practice active stretching technique. What is active stretching? Active stretch does not only rely on gravity as often it is less effective and could increase the risk of injury. With active stretching, muscles are engaged during the stretching therefore, better at preparing our muscles for subsequent exercises. If you are looking for static stretch, you could try our Yin class!
Prenatal Yoga*
This 75 minute class is suitable for mom-to-be's. To attend this class, our students have to be in their second trimester and have doctor's clearance for the safety of the student and baby. To-be-fathers are welcome to attend.
Our qualified prenatal teachers will take you through a sequence that suits you and your baby, moving you through yoga poses to stretch and strengthen the body; going through breathing exercises to connect with your baby and help with labour; and also offer simple exercises that you can do at home everyday to support you and your growing baby.
Prenatal Strength - focused on muscle strengthening, especially the back muscle and all the important parts during pregnancy.
Prenatal Hatha - practice different pregnancy specialised asanas and flows with breathing practice. more variation & flexibility, while muscle strengthening is also covered.
Both practices are suitable for beginners or mamas never tried yoga before. You can come to join the class at Week 12 to Week 39.

Postpartum Care*
Common problems for postpartum:
The tightness of shoulders due to latation
The pain in the knee and the loss of overall body strength due to the weakened core muscles
The problem of urinary incontinence due to the loss of pelvic floor strength.
With our training and strengthening exercises - relaxation in the back muscle, repair rectus abdomens muscle(abs), building up of the core, shoulder, arm and back muscles, we aim to methodically relieve these issues, making it easier for you to return to your pre-labour body and regaining your body awareness.
Enjoy your me-time, recharge your muscles & your heart, give yourself power to support your little one while their energy levels up daily.
Postpartum Care - through different postpartum specialised asanas to relax and strength your body, is a yogic postpartum practice.
POST-natal Pilates - focuses on training the deep core muscles which helps to flatten the tummy and relieve lower back pain. It is also effective in enhancing body’s strength and flexibility with increased blood circulation and metabolism. Join the class and feel energised afterwards!
Abs & Butts - focuses on training functional movements where the practitioners can apply the knowledge into everyday uses such as picking heavy groceries off the ground and lifting objects overhead safely. This class will develop the practitioners' body awareness, coordination, quad and upper body strength which allow them to exalt their overall fitness level.
We encourage mothers to join us 1-month after natural birth / 2-month after caesarian section.
Yin is a practice of stillness and long-holding postures. Each pose on each side can last from two to five minutes - exerting gentle pressure on the body. Unlike most other types of yoga, Yin practice focuses on letting go and minimising muscular efforts with a more relaxing environment. Suitable for all levels of practitioners, and particularly beneficiary to those who seek to relieve mental stress and restore balance in the health of soft tissues and joints.
Hatha Yoga
Are you new to yoga? Just practising on and off or are you a regular? The Practice’s Hatha yoga class is for you. Explore and build your strength and flexibility in our Hatha class! The class starts with gentle movement to warm up your body. By giving clear instructions, the teacher will guide you gradually through various yoga postures that open up different body parts. The final posture may be slightly challenging - just to amaze you how much your body can do! The class will be wrapped up by some simple stretching to cool down the body and of course, Shavasana. Enjoy the grace, sweat and fun in our Hatha yoga class!
Our AntiGravity® classes are all held in Studio 1, which can fit 7 students in one class. We are one of the few studios in Hong Kong with the AntiGravity® license, and all our AntiGravity® teachers are qualified to teach the particular sequences as set out below. AntiGravity® uses a different hammock compared to other aerial classes, creating more resistance, and it also uses a set sequence as set out by Christopher Harrison, founder of AntiGravity®. All of our AntiGravity classes are classified as Specialty Classes.
AntiGravity® Decompression
Focusing on decompressing the spine, these classes offer the opportunity to build mobility and flexibility in the spine. Expect inversions to help with this. No flips will be done in this class. Leave the class feeling refreshed, rejuvenated and relaxed. Suitable for all levels.
AntiGravity® Stretch & Strength
Just as the name implies, this class will both build your strength & stretch your muscles! Using the hammock, you may discover new muscles that you didn't know were there. Be prepared to sweat and have fun. Suitable for all levels.
AntiGravity® Aerial
For those who have tried AntiGravity classes, this is a great option if you want to continue to fly and soar on the hammock. Our teachers will guide you through tricks, inversions, flips and all the other fun stuff on the hammock. Leave the class with lots of laughs, sweat and maybe even a new friend! Suitable for those with some AntiGravity experience.